Greater New York City Nurse Practitioner Connect

Greater NYC NP Connect Dinner Meeting

Village Grill
7301 Yellowstone Boulevard
Forest Hills, NY 11375

Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 6:00pm ET - 8:00pm ET
This event has ended.

7301 Yellowstone Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375



Inflammatory Bowel Disease and the Consequences of Prolonged Corticosteroid


Dr. Ferraro and Dr. Lester

Additional Information

IF YOU HAVE A NEW JERSEY LICENSE PLEASE READ BEFORE REGISTRATION: New Jersey has instituted a law that affects ANY NP WHO HOLDS A NEW JERSEY LICENSE. NJ providers cannot accept a meal or beverage from a pharmaceutical company of greater value than $15.

This is a NEW JERSEY STATE LAW. As such if you have an NJ LICENSE (EVEN IF YOU ALSO HAVE AN NY LICENSE) this rule applies to you. You are more than welcome to register for the event but you will need to order and pay for your own meal.